When and how Vatel brand was born...
The name is very likely to come from Fritz Karl Vatel, a famous chef that worked for the prince of “Condé” in the reign of Louis XIV, the “Sun King”. The prince was a very eccentric person, and when Louis XIV accepted his invitation to visit his properties in Chantilly, he was prepared to go broke just to impress the king. All the king’s remarkable “appetites” had to be satisfied, including wine, women and food. Unexpectedly, Vatel took his own life on a Friday when he heard that the delivery of the fish to be served at the banquet that night had possibly gone wrong.
The enormous experience accumulated along the years was crucial to our brand strengthening, and soon Vatel became, and still is, a synonym for salt, therefore being present in every Portuguese home.
A new phase in Vatel’s evolution begins when Solvay, together with the German Group K+S – Kali Und Salz create a joint-venture called esco- european salt company. It was the beginning of Europe’s leading salt producer.